Saturday, 22 November 2014

Teddy Bears Picnic theme

This week I decided we needed a really motivating topic in my class. My students are getting extremely tired and its starting to show. I explained to them that on Friday we will have a teddy bears picnic but have to plan what we need for it. I linked this mainly through literacy.

This involved having my students write a shipping list for what we would need, they had to send invites to their teddies and they had to describe what their teddy looks like. The following link has a link to a great unit or two.

We also had the song Teddy Bears picnic which we learnt and looked at the lyrics:

On Thursday we shared our lists of what we though would be important to a teddy bears picnic - as you can imagine, chips, fizz, lollies etc. We have been drying fruit in the class for our Kai study so they were ready at the perfect time. We also decided that bears also like honey so some honey sandwiches were in order. I also thought that we would make fruit skewers as another heathy option.

So Friday came. The night before I made sure I had all the prep done so that our picnic ran smoothly. We started off by sharing our bears and introducing their name (about my of my class ha nameless teddies) and what we loved about them. My students then completed a teddy description sheet where they had to write 4 things that described their teddy.
We then had to get our fruit skewers ready and I decided to link this through maths. My students had to make a pattern on their skewer using their fruit and marshmallow.

Ok so it was time for us to have our picnic. Thankfully the weather was on my side and we set it up outside. It was just so cute seeing my kids excited to be sharing their picnic with their teddies.

One of my kids decided to throw his teddy around and another child came up with a lovely comment:
"If you were little and your teddy was big you wouldn't want him to do that to you."

To top off our week we watch a short story about a teddy bears picnic:

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