What "rings true
for you" in this chapter?
It would be the importance of building stamina and I am
starting to notice in my classroom that children are able to maintain longer
levels of concentration compared to the first two-three weeks. They are not
where I want them to be yet but I do understand that it takes time to build
this and it is what we are currently working towards.
How are your students
progressing with picking the appropriate books?
I think the
students are doing well. They have a group fluency box with a variety of books
in it which they chose from each week and then put in their individual book
Fluency boxes that children chose 5 'good fit' books from at the start of the week. |
Individual book boxes. |
Before children pick we discuss the IPICK and what a ‘good
fit’ book is.
I - Look at a book
P - Purpose
I – Interest
C – Comprehend
K – Know all the words
During my
first guided reading session with them each week I ask them to show me these
books and explain why they are a ‘good fit’ for them.
I have to
work with the two lower groups and guide them with their book shopping just
until they are able to do this independently.
IPICK wall display. |
What (if anything)
could help improve the processes from this chapter in your classroom?
I’m not sure
if I need to improve any of these processes as I have only just set them up in
the class four weeks ago and the children are familiar with the chart and
picking good books.
The one
thing that I forget to do/run out of time to do is the check in at the end of
the lesson. So for me it would to remember and get in a routine of doing this
each day.
I have also
invested in a bell which I will be using to gain attention instead of using my
voice so that I am not interrupting the calm of our classroom.
Have you thought about letting them put their library books (class, school, or national) into their book boxes as one of their choices??? As Catriona was saying yesterday at staff meeting, the fluency boxes are set up for the students at the appropriate level so they are really only picking books that interest them so if they had to IPICK other books could they pick a book that is at a suitable level for them to read - the C and K part. This would be a good skill to develop further at some stage.