Saturday, 1 June 2013

Goal 1 Update

*Gain knowledge of assessment processes used in the school system and use them to assess students*

Over the last three weeks my tutor teacher has been teaching me some of the different assessment tools that we use in the school. The first being Running Records and Probe. I spent my release day last week practicing these and testing several kids. I did them a incorrect but after some discuss with Kristen I know where I went wrong and what I have to improve on. I re-ran the Probe during the week correctly and after analysing them have discovered I need to work on comprehension with the children which I will focus on for the next 2-3 weeks and then re test them. 
Week 5 I will be doing some guided reading session with the groups in which I will be testing.

We have also gone over how to assess Writing  using e-asTTle and that is my focus for the weekend ~ I will update next week with how I get on with it.

1 comment:

  1. It's great to see you beginning to use your assessment data to inform your planning. Comprehension strategies need to be taught consistently throughout the year - so a next step would be to identify which of the comprehension strategies your students need the most work on. Which of the questions did the students struggle with the most?
