I started off by sharing a video with the kids and from that they had to guess what we would be making.
I had made the mixture in the morning because it is suppose to sit for at least an hour. See HappyHooligans blog for recipe. Before we began making our bubbles we had to make our bubble blowers. This was super easy and all we needed was straws and wool. I modelled this first and then had them do it - so much determination on their faces. I used a skewer to push the wool through as some didn't go right to the end. Tie a knot and they were ready to go. I took photos of my students holding their bubble maker out in front of them ready for our art activity - see later in post.
We then made our bubbles - I modelled this first. They first few minute of making wasn't great but once the mixture was played with it became better.
Some great bubble were made it was so much fun.
We then came in and talked about our bubbles. We talked about their size, colour, movement etc. This then led into our writing. So many great stories after a hands on experience.
In the afternoon we made bubble pictures to go with our stories. We revisited our discussion about the colours we saw etc. I had already stuck their pictures from earlier onto black paper. I gave each child a white crayon and they had to find something circle to trace around in our class to make the bubble. Once they had done 5-6 bubbles they added a small amount of colour. Check them out below.
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