Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Week 3, Term 1 2015

Week 3 went by super fast. We spent most of the week focusing on Literacy and Numeracy - I have all programmes up and running now which is great, I can start to focus on my guided group work.

For Daily 5 I have got 5 guided groups that complete independent Daily 5 activities when not with me. I have been working to help students set their goals for the term and it has been a little difficult with the holiday break and students moving back a couple of reading sub levels. I can safely say that I have now identified their next steps and what I will be working on with each group.
Each week I am adding 2 new independent activities so they are not overwhelmed. My biggest challenge is having time to fit Shared Reading, Daily 5 and Oral Language in - but will be easier Week 5 when swimming is finished.
My week 4 goal in literacy is to implement an Oral Language programme that is student led and engaging.

Numeracy has been fairly easy to set up with my only new student starting with similar needs to a couple of the others. I am running this as rotation based learning and only pull children out when I need them (no set groups).
At the moment I have students working at Stage 0-1, 2/3 and 4. Some of last years learning has needed recapping so we are spending week 4 going over what we know.
My week 4 goal in numeracy is to have my maths calendar up and running.

As for the other curriculum areas they will be coming through next week.

On Friday we had some bananas ready to go off so I though as a 'fun Friday' language experience we would make smoothies in our class. It was really fun and we were able to incorporate maths, literacy and art into our learning. Below is a photo of the wall display.

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