Sunday, 14 September 2014

Spring - Inquiry

On Monday I began inquiry by sharing some photos of Winter with students. We discussed what we noticed. I then showed them some images of Spring, again we discussed what we noticed. I then handed out more images and children had to decide in partners whether or not they were from Spring or Winter.

Together we then made a venn diagram to show what was the same and different.

On Wednesday we began looking at the weather and discussing the changes that we were noticing. Students learnt about the different tools used to measure the weather. We also started a weather tracking sheet where students are taking note of the weather for the next week and a half. Will update with a picture once they are finished.

On Friday we made our blossom trees. First we started by dying the back ground.
Next we practiced blowing dye on the paper for our trees. The dye was watered down paint and children each had a straw to use for bowing. Once everyone could do it then they were allowed to do it on their picture.

Finally once the dye had dried we added our blossom. We used pink paint mixed with white (only mix it a little so that it looks more realistic) children dipped their fingers into the mix and dotted it over the tree.

Love how amazing the pictures look once they are finished and my students were super proud of their work.

Finally to finish our Spring unit we made grass heads. We started by having a discussion around what we noticed about the difference in grass between Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. This led into talking about why the grass is especially important at this time of the year and the things that help it to grow.
To make our grass heads we added a teaspoon of grass seed into a stocking. Next we added soil and tied the stocking to keep the soil compact. Finally students decorated their heads using goggly eyes and marker pens. Over the next week we are going to monitor the growth progress.

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