Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Week 2/3 Term 1 2014

The last two weeks have gone by fast and I have been so busy that I haven't had time to sit down and make a post.

The juniors are keeping me on my toes and I am learning lots about about the way they work. I have a larger portion of boys than girls so I have found that I really need to keep them moving.

I started the term with a timetable as below:
I have had to change it around over the last few days as I found my students were finding it really hard to stay focused on their writing. My programme now starts with maths in the morning followed by phonics and writing straight after. After morning tea I then run shared reading, Daily 5, oral language and handwriting. After lunch we do poetry and depending on the day PE/music/maori/topic/inquiry etc.

Writing last week went well. Students are responding better to the think, pair, share method and I am starting to get some good conversations. I am keeping with them same topic all week and having children build on their stories so I can get more out of them. I also have Catriona in the class to help work with my new students as I have so many needs with in my class. So far it is working well and the kids are getting more one-one teacher time.
I am doing phonics right before writing to help students transfer the skills they are learning - I am noticing a slight difference with a couple.

The senior students are starting to work with my students who are doing Early Words so it will be good to see them transferring this knowledge into their reading and writing.

Maths was spent doing statistics and I believe students have a basic understanding of how to graph information. Next week (week 4) we are moving into learning number knowledge.

Daily 5 set up is going good. Students are practicing Read to Self and Read to Someone (I did introduce Work on Writing but they are unable to writing independently at this stage so will reintroduce later in the year). Week 4 we will be learning to Listen to Reading and I will be introducing them to some of the Work on Word activities. I have been reading with groups for the last 3 weeks and the groups are getting easier to manage as students begin to understand the Daily 5 programme.

I have also been teaching swimming for the first time which has been fun. I have some students who are very confident in the water and others who will not attempt to put their head under. I am starting to make progress with the less confident by having them blow bubbles and the rest of the class are beginning to float unassisted (without a kick board) on their backs.

Next week I am starting to investigate the science process with my class which I think they are really going to enjoy.

Over the next 2-3 weeks my main goal is to have children working independently and asking each other for help.

Below are some photos of the activities that we have been doing in Room 6:
Our art focus - colours of the rainbow

Daily 5 display

An example of the classes placemats

Friday, 7 February 2014

Week 1, Term 1 2014

This was my first week with the juniors. Before the week started I was a bit nervous about how I would go with this age group. At the end of the week I am actually feeling pretty excited to be working with this group of kids. I have got 13 children and all with lots of potential and eagerness to learn.

I spent the week setting up the classroom expectations and creating displays that had input from the children. It has been good getting to know the kids and working out the dynamics of the class. I have very clear expectations and the children have been pushing the boundaries - but are not getting away with unacceptable behaviour.

Over the next few weeks I will continue to establish my routines and start grouping the children based on their needs.

Below are some photos of what we did this week, you can also view my class blog to see what other learning we do each week:

Our classroom door display.

Children practicing their cutting skills to create our class pouaka pī (bee hive).

Children practicing to build their stamina during Read to Self.

Karawhiua - Give It A Go. Our school motto that the children of Room 6 are learning to do.

My classroom library with the children's group fluency boxes along side.

Our class fish tank that is a large talking point for students at the moment.

Our class job list.

My professional goals for this term/year at this stage are:

  • Implement a programme that caters to the needs of all my students.
  • Assess more efficiently.
  • Conference with students on a regular basis.