Sunday, 18 August 2013

Guided Math by Laney Sammons Chpt 6

1. What are some ways that you can organise your classroom to support Math Workshop?
At the moment I think my classroom is organised pretty well and all material and activities are easily accessible to the learner.
In the last two weeks I spent time setting up my class to be student run rather than teacher. At the moment children have some choice as to what they want to participate in and we are moving to independent free choice.
I have also spent time setting up the expected behaviours for the different Math Workshop activities. More time needs to be spent on this to achieve the desired outcome. I believe children can achieve this as it is a skill they should be transferring from the Daily 5 reading.

2. How can implementing Math Workshop promote the learning goals you have for your class?
One part I found really helpful and will promote the class learning goals of increasing how strategies are explained was the Write in Math Journals section. A big goal is to get the children thinking about their learning and explaining what they are thinking. There were some questions that I plan on implementing into the class these are:
  • What do you notice?
  • What do you find interesting?
  • What patterns do you see?
  • What do you predict? Why?
  • What do your findings make you wonder?
  • What does this remind you of?

I can also use these when I am working with small guided groups.

Sammons, L. (2013). Guided Math. Shell Education.

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